Principle Investigator 

Prof. Wonjae Choi

Email:   Office: Jinseonmi-gwan Room 318

Education and Experience

Graduate students

Gyuna Kwak

Research Interests: Life cycle assessment

Gyuna is a graduate student at Ewha. She joined the lab from July 2021 as an intern and started her master degree from March 2023. Her research interests include the life cycle assessment of various hydrogen production pathways.

Juha Lee

Research Interests: Life cycle assessment

Juha is a graduate student at Ewha. She joined the lab from January 2022 as an intern and started her master degree from March 2023. She received her master degree on February 2025 and started her PhD course from March 2025. Her research interests include the life cycle assessment of steel production with various fuels and the temporal resolution of well-to-wheel greenhouse gas emissions of battery electric vehicles. Her thesis for master degree can be found in the following link. 

Yehyeong Lim

Research Interests: Thermochemical redox cycle

Yehyeong is a graduate student at Ewha. She joined the lab from July 2021 as an intern and started her master degree from March 2024. Her research interests include developing device and system designs of thermochemical redox cycle to produce green hydrogen from industrial heat.

Yujin Jung

Research Interests: Life cycle assessment and solid oxide cell 

Yujin is a graduate student at Ewha. She joined the lab from July 2022 as an intern and started her master-PhD integrated degree from March 2024. Her research interests include the life cycle assessment of e-fuel production pathways and simulation and experiment of solid oxide cell.

Huiju Roh

Research Interests: Solid oxide fuel cell fueled by ammonia, Thermal Energy Storage

Huiju is a graduate student at Ewha. She joined the lab from Jan 2023 as an intern and started her master degree from March 2024. Her research interests include solid oxide fuel cell operation fueled by ammonia and thermal energy storage for reversible solid oxide cell.

Seowoo Jeong

Research Interests: Solid oxide cell degradation 

Seowoo is a graduate student at Ewha. She joined the lab from Jul 2023 as an intern and started her master degree from March 2024. Her research interests include simulation of solid oxide cell degradation to predict the lifetime of solid oxide cell.

Inyoung Ko

Research Interests: Life cycle assessment of lithium-ion battery

Inyoung is a graduate student at Ewha. She joined the lab from Nov 2023 as an intern and started her master degree from March 2024. Her research interests include life cycle assessment of lithium-ion battery.

Jaeyeon Ahn

Research Interests: Life cycle assessment of vehicle production

Jaeyeon is a graduate student at Ewha. She joined the lab from Jul 2023 as an intern and started her master degree from September 2024. Her research interests include life cycle assessment of vehicle production.

Sujeong Hwang 

Research Interests: TBD

Sujeong is an undergraduate student at Ewha. She joined the lab from Jan 2025 as an intern and started her master degree from March 2025

Lab Interns

Dajung Kim

Research Interests: Reverisble solid oxide cell 

Dajung is an undergraduate student at Ewha. She joined the lab from Jul 2023.  Her research interests include flow channel optimizations of reversible solid oxide cell.

Taekyung Kang

Research Interests: Thermochemical redox cycle

Taekyung is an undergraduate student at Ewha. She joined the lab from Mar 2024.  Her research interests include electric potential assisted thermochemical redox cycle for hydrogen production.

Jimin Hong

Research Interests: Thermochemical redox cycle

Jimin is an undergraduate student at Ewha. She joined the lab from July 2024.  Her research interests include simulation of thermochemical redox cycle.

Sejin Park

Research Interests: Degradation-considered modeling of solid oxide cell system

Sejin is an undergraduate student at Ewha. She joined the lab from July 2024.  Her research interests include degradation-considered modeling of Solid oxide cell system.

Inyoung Choi

Research Interests: TBD

Inyoung is an undergraduate student at Sookmyung. She joined the lab from Jan 2025

Minjin Kang

Research Interests: TBD

Minjin is an undergraduate student at Ewha. She joined the lab from Jan 2025.  

Yewon Choi

Research Interests: TBD

Yewon is an undergraduate student at Ewha. She joined the lab from Jan 2025


We are looking for highly motivated graduate and undergraduate students.
Openings are shown below. If interested, please contact to
1. Life cycle assessment of fuels (e-fuel and biofuel) and automobiles
2. Simulation and experiment of electrochemical energy systems


Jisu Yoon

Affiliation: Hyundai Motor Company (from Jan 2023)

Her research was about modeling of proton exchange membrane fuel cell.

Sooyeon Chon

Affiliation: Hyundai Motor Company (from Jan 2023)

Her research was about electrolysis modeling.

Jee Woo Im

Affiliation: Hyundai Rotem (from Aug 2023)

Her research was about finding the optimal materials of thermochemical redox cycle.

Eejung Heo

Affiliation: GM Motors Company (from March 2023)

Her research was about using thermochemical redox cycles in pre-existing high temperature facilities.

Soojeong Moon

Affiliation: LG Energy Solution
(from Jan 2025)

Her research was about solid oxide electrolysis simulations.

Hyewon Hwang

Affiliation: Samsung SDI
(from Feb 2024)

Her research was about Reversible solid oxide cell.

Thesis (M.S.)
Reversible Solid Oxide Cell System with Thermocline-Type Thermal Energy Storage: Numerical and Techno-Economic Analysis



Affiliation: Doosan Enerbility
(from Aug 2024)

Her research was about Solid oxide fuel cell degradation.

Minkyoung Park

Affiliation: University of Wisconsin Madison
(from Sep 2024)

Her research was about Solid oxide fuel cell-internal combustion engine hybris system.

Nayeon Kim

Affiliation: Samsung SDI
(from Mar 2025)

Her research was about flow channel optimizations of solid oxide co-electrolysis cell.